Legal Medicine provides an international forum for the publication of original articles, reviews and correspondence on subjects
that cover practical and theoretical areas of interest relating to the wide range of legal medicine.
Subjects covered include forensic
pathology, toxicology, odontology, anthropology, criminalistics, immunochemistry, hemogenetics and forensic aspects of biological science
with emphasis on DNA analysis and molecular biology. Submissions dealing with medicolegal problems such as malpractice, insurance, child
abuse or ethics in medical practice are also acceptable. Medicine <IT>Legal Medicine</IT> provides an international forum for the publication of original articles, reviews and correspondence on subjects
that cover practical and theoretical areas of interest relating to the wide range of legal medicine.<P>
<P>Subjects covered include forensic
pathology, toxicology, odontology, anthropology, criminalistics, immunochemistry, hemogenetics and forensic aspects of biological science
with emphasis on DNA analysis and molecular biology. Submissions dealing with medicolegal problems such as malpractice, insurance, child
abuse or ethics in medical practice are also acceptable.
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